Becoming A Computer Expert In 7 Days book
This manual will teach you the essential skills you need to know to becoming an
expert with your PC. You’ll never have to be confused again when the salesman
tells you why you need to buy a particular PC model. You’ll be able to ask
intelligent questions and stop deceiving salesmen from over-charging you.
This guide explains the information you need to know, in a step by step manner.
Always try to grasp a particular concept before moving on to the next. If you take
time to go through this guide and actually carry out what you’ve learned, you will
become your own computer expert in 7 days or less.
However, this is not a complete guide that will teach you everything you want to
know about computers. That would take thousands of pages. But it is enough for
an average user to make a decision on what type of PC he needs to buy and to
troubleshoot basic problems when they occur.
One of the main objectives of this book is to give you enough knowledge so that
you can tell the technicians fixing your PC, that you’re not a complete newbie.
You can challenge their decisions and also give your own suggestions.
By showing that you too have knowledge with PCs, you’ll stop the dishonest
salesman from charging you ridiculous prices
Becoming A Computer Expert In 7 Days book |
Understanding The Components Of A PC
When you buy a PC package, it contains 3 components:
- the computer
- the LCD monitor
- keyboard and mouse
Normally the price of a PC contains all three of these components.
However you need to be careful with some of the prices in the retail
shops. Sometimes the prices shown excludes the monitor.
The computer contained in a case, contains a lot of components which
make up the entire PC. If any one of these components fail, your PC
won’t work.
Here’s a list of what’s inside your PC:
- CPU/Processor
This computer chip determines the speed of your computer and
runs your computer programs.
- Hard Disk
Where your programs and data are stored
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
Your computer memory. Provides fast storage for your computer
to use. The more RAM you have, the quicker your PC will operate
since it can store and execute information on hand.
- Video Card/Graphics Accelerator Card
Generates all the videos, images and text you see on your PC.
- Sound Card/Audio Card
Outputs the sound to your connected speakers. Also includes a
socket to plug in your microphone to record sounds.
- Motherboard
A board that connects all your components together.
- Cooling Fan
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